How Poologics is a source of truth for your team

Attachments and Statuses



One of the most used and underrated elements of Poologics is simply the ability to have access to all of the lead and project documents in a centralized location. If your team has access to Ipads or tablets, this is a huge deal. Field workers now have access to designs, construction plans, selections documentation, and whatever else they may need. No more texting someone in the office and asking them to send you something. It also means that field workers using Ipads can take a picture and easily attach the document to the lead or project file.

We organize Poologics to make it easy for you to find what you need when you need it. Unfortunately, the documents don't upload themselves, so a point of emphasis in onboarding is defining where documents need to go and who will put them there. 


Need to know what's been done and what hasn't? Where a lead is in the sales process? When was a permit or inspection requested? We all know that construction projects are organized chaos, but they don't have to be chaotic. 


Statuses help you minimize excess amounts of communication, signal what needs to be done, and help you see around corners. It pays to onboard your team!